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Capacity Building Workshop

October 21, 2014
Benjamin Goodman

Our partner and volunteer Project Manager, Wilfredo Lopez, participated in a capacity building workshop last week through the UN in Panama City. He learned the basics for how to put together an Annual Plan of Operation. He, along with Teobaldo Martinez, is using this new skill and others he possesses to develop the Operating Plan for our newest project.

Wilfredo is studying law part time on the weekends so that he can work for the Village of Morti during the week in order to make ends meet.  We really appreciate all of his hard work!  Here is a picture of Panama City where the workshop was held. In contrast, the second picture is a picture of the Village of Morti, where Wilfredo grew up. Her certainly has learned to operate in two vastly different worlds!

If you would like to support the project that Wilfredo and Teobaldo are designing and implementing, please do so here:


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May 16, 2020 1:11 AM

The act of this programme supposed to people’s capacity and their development. This programme start digital, development mentor courses or their iwriteessays reviews for the people to increase mentality.